Friday 1 July 2016

Grog - groggy - Kava - Yaqona - Piper methysticum

This is the kava drying so it can be pounded into a powder.

About $30USD per bundle 2kg.  A highly valued and crop used ceremonially.
Q. Is kava safe? A. Highly likely safe if picked and pounded yourself. - check out the link.

Kava must be dried, pounded, and then washed in preparation for drinking.  I am told that it costs about $2.50USD per litre if you buy it prepared.

In Bulileka Village, Labasa, Fiji Islands, a Kava ceremony takes place.  In the middle of the circle you can see the tanoa, which is a special bowl in which the kava, or grog, is served.

I partake in kava, the traditional Fijian drink, which was prepared for the arrival of my flatmate's elder brother.  We drink the kava from coconut shell bowls known as bilo.  The effect of the kava, is grogginess (etymological pun) and some numbness of the tongue and lower lip.  This was the effect I felt on drinking my first small bowl.  Before and after drinking it is usual to clap three times as a mark of appreciation.

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